In Port Chester-Rye UFSD the foundation of music begins in all four elementary schools, where students explore different cultures by singing and movement. In 3rd grade, instrumental music is introduced, where students play the recorder and have the opportunity to play a string instrument. Students can then continue in strings or elect to join the band in the 4th grade.
As students' progress to Middle School and High School, they can elect to continue their instrumental study, sing in the choir, take a world music class, participate in the Port Chester Marching Band, or select IB Music.
All students are encouraged to participate in instrumental music. Music has been shown to increase spatial learning, self-regulation skills and improves how the brain understands human language. In addition, it strengthens auditory development, has shown students increased self-esteem and provides a way for all students to succeed in school.
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.